Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

November 2023 Wrap-Up

I am publishing this slightly early, as I am fully in the reading of (and sweating a bit about if I'm honest) my #12booksofchristmas. I have not been organised this year at all. Our village panto is now over and was brilliant fun! I'm going to miss everyone, but we all get to meet up again in January for the panto and pizza party. It was a commitment, but we both have agreed would happily do it again next year if they'll have us.

November was lovely. A Bonfire Night party, crisp nights and autumnal days. Meals with friends and a quiz night complete with pie and peas. So let's close November out shall we?

Books Read and Reviewed in November 2023

A quieter reading month as I get ready for #12booksofchristmas

Other posts of note

No other posts at the moment this month, but in December I will finally be compiling a list of Christmas books that have been reviewed on the blog. It's only taken me 3 years

Goodreads Book Challenge

51/60 books reads.I will meet this challenge. I have 12 books coming in December.

5 Star Reads

Just one this month: Indemnity Only by Sara Paretsky.

BBC Big Read Challenge

No change from last month. I have made a tiny bit of progress on the book I was halfway through, but boy is it hard-going.

To be Read

If you were to believe my Autumn 2023 Books to Be Read post, you would think it was 19 books on the list. It's now way more than that.

Read my To Be Read Autumn 2023 list

Looking Forward to

I am currently looking at a wall of Christmas decorations that will be put out. Ok, can I say I am looking forward to being calmer. I've got myself a bit stressed if I'm honest. Family illness, hectic times and a lack of organisation on my part means I am feeling on the back foot. My wonderful husband has been brilliant, supportive and reminding me that I ADORE Christmas. And I really do. It's magical and full of twinkly lights and I am all about that. We have some wonderful visitors in December and I am looking forward to finishing work and having some real down-time.

Sorry, that went on a bit didn't it. I'm good, a bit manic, but ok.

I will be back with a post on Friday. Buckle up folks, we are talking all things Christmas book like.

I hope your November has been wonderful too.

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