Cover Detail from The Big Picture by Douglas Kennedy

Douglas Kennedy Novels in Order

There are some authors who you want to tell the world about and Douglas Kennedy is certainly one of those for me. I first discovered his works during a Bookshop promotion to promote undiscovered authors. The Big Picture was the novel and the writing was sublime. As an author he has done well and sold many books, The Big Picture was made into a movie in France. But if you were to be at a party and began to talk about his books, chances are the other person would not have heard about him. Below is a list of his works. The novels can all be read as standalone books. he also has a great website, in which he also posts his journallings. These will give you a sense of the quality this author brings in his writing

Douglas Kennedy's Official Website

Novels in Publication Order

Short Stories/Novellas

  • The Christmas Ring (2011)


  • Beyond the Pyramids (1998)
  • In God's Country (1989)
  • Chasing Mamon (1992)

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